Merit Software—the Trumpauto partner in all things finance

Today, we want to talk about Merit Software, the leading accounting and payroll software firm in Estonia. Trumpauto has been partnered with them since 2019, meaning our clients can enjoy the benefits of simple, seamless integration between their workshop operational and financial information through Merit Aktiva—the designated Merit accounting software. Merit Software was founded in […]

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Spreading knowledge through the power of technology

The benefits of technology to education are something pretty obvious. New and innovative ways to teach children, teens, and adults by using software and online solutions can help make information more easily accessible and understandable for everyone. Today, we want to talk about some of the ways technology companies work with education providers to create […]

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Spearheading the Automotive Industry through the Cloud(s)

American technology company Tekion, founded in 2016 by former Tesla CIO Jay Vijayan, has been making headlines this year with their innovative cloud solutions to age old problems of the automotive industry. Tekion have created the first American cloud-native retail operating platform with an emphasis on connecting the three key stakeholders of the automotive industry […]

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ERP software – saving time and boosting success

Last week, we talked about CRM, the secret ingredient to increasing revenue. But to run a really great workshop, you don’t just need lots of customers – you also need a thriving workforce, who come in every day knowing their work is part of an effective system which benefits both the clients and themselves. Thankfully, […]

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CRM software – the 21st century way to increase revenue

Everyone’s heard the saying “customer is king” – but how many businesses in an industry so dominated by mechanics and labour, such as the automobile repairs one, really take the time to focus on ensuring the best quality of customer service? At the same time, low customer satisfaction directly leads to low income. That is […]

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