Vehicle history extraction and printout

He who does not remember history lives without a future! So says folk wisdom. Fortunately, a printout of the vehicle’s history is now Trumpauto! A printout of the vehicle history is on the VEHICLE CARD view. It allows you to search and browse the history of the vehicle and print out the data as a […]

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Plan your large repair and maintenance project ahead with Trumpauto

Trumpauto Smart Workshop Software is a cloud based ERP & CRM solution for vehicle maintenance and repair workshops. 2/3 of Trumpauto’s clients are servicing consumer vehicles but 1/3 are providing services for commercial vehicles. But not only trucks – also forestry machinery, agricultural and boat workshops are among those using Trumpauto. If your workshops daily […]

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Disruptions in Trumpauto service 10.11.2021 18-20.00

10.11.2021 at 18.00-20.00 possible disruptions in Trumpauto service. We recommend you not to plan work in Trumpauto during that time and recommend you to copy necessary information out of Trumpauto for that time as Trumpauto service might not be accessible1 Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience! Trumpauto Customer Service

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Taking the Repairs Industry to the Future

The automobile maintenance industry needs innovation, and needs it fast. Whether looking at production, retail, or repairs, the industry has to enter the 21st century if it is to keep the attention of investors and the public. More than ever before, tech companies play a crucial role in bringing about this change and ensuring the […]

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E-billing—Saving Your Time by a Thousandfold

Every official transaction comes with a bill, to prove it ever happened and store information for future reference. Yet in today’s digital world, having to manually compile and transcribe bills into computer systems can be incredibly time consuming and bothersome—which is why machine read e-bills have been created, which allow for different systems to read […]

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The All-Inclusive Treatment from Stal Ltd

Today we want to tell you about another one of our outstanding clients, this time STAL Ltd from South Estonia. Stal offers various car repair services to passenger vehicles and vans, from tyre changes to electric works. Additionally, Stal carries out glass and minor body works. The high quality of work that Stal provides to […]

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